
Services at St. Mary’s

FullSizeRenderSunday worship consists of Holy Eucharist – Rite II at 12 pm (check times of worship page for more information)

Sunday School 
Sunday school takes place during the TBD service.
We offer a program of Christian education to children in Kindergarten through fifth grade. The curriculum that we are using this year follows the Episcopal church lectionary series (year B). The children will hear the same Gospel lessons that their parents are hearing in church. The lessons will be brought to life for children through crafts, art, games, and more.

Parents are invited to bring their children to church or to include them in the children’s program — whichever is most comfortable for their family.

Wednesday Eucharist and Healing Service at 10:00 am (currently not being held. Updated 7/21)

Diocesan wide service at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton with Bishop Chip Stokes presiding on May 21st for those who confirmed or reaffirmed their faith.
